I'm delighted to report tonight, much later than most
bloggers and news outlets I'm sure, that members of the
HoRs (all pun in intended) read the constitution today. A glorious day, truly, has passed before our eyes and most of us were out working for a living. A shame to have missed it.
Well, now let's consider the setting and the players in the context of the document itself. First, we have gone well beyond "common defence" and continue to do so everyday that our troops trot across the sovereign soil of other nations. I'm just being a strict constitutionalist. That's all. That's what today was about, right? A show of force in favor of a strict interpretation of the United States Constitution.
My strict interpretation of the Constitution is that the "common defence" clause (words 24 and 25 of the Constitution) refers to the defense of our soil, our territory, and our citizens. The body that read the Constitution today has repeatedly voted to go against the Constitution and provide for the general defence of other nations, other causes, and in some cases, others that now and in the future hope to do us harm. I love that old elastic clause. It allows our legislators to do just about anything they want. It doesn't matter what the words say, it only matters what we can keep from the public and get done. Elastic clause. Boxers or briefs?
Let's move on to words 26 - 29: "promote the general Welfare." Promote. Not afford. Not provide. Not mandate. Not dole out. Promote. You know, like Nabisco promotes it's cookies or Spielberg promotes a movie...to move it forward. No guarantees. No promises. No national health care, public or semi-public. No food stamps. No regressive tax system. Again, right or wrong, those darn waste bands keep stretching and stretching so the donkey and elephant can squeeze in together...and make donphants? Elenkeys? Sorry. That wasn't very funny.
The hard work continues, folks. Words in the original, unamended Constitution: 4,543 (not including the BoRs). Both parties, especially the one that mandated the darn thing be read, can't even make it out of the first damn paragraph without having completely tossed every ideal, every rational element, and every edict out. What a sham! What a terrible, terrible sham! You'd think Hollywood producers were buzzing around DC today, waiting to see which figure would start weeping. This parading of the Constitution for cameras was truly revolting.
You are at the mercy of 538 individuals, by and large, that don't give a rat's ass about you and our Constitution. If you look long enough (about 5 seconds), you'll already find evidence that promises made in the latest election cycle have been set aside. The Pledge has left the building..."The Pledge to America" that is. If you look hard enough, the progressives are doing everything they can to continue to inflate the deficit, and subsequently the debt, by continuing to mandate programs that are not yet funded and that are, by and large, in an inelastic world, unconstitutional. If you look hard enough, you'll see that we are hanging by a very thin fiscal thread.
That's okay. Read on, ladies and gentlemen, read on. We'll be here, working for a living and parting with our tax dollars so that you can pat yourselves on the backs for reading a 200-year-old document out loud. And after you've read it, go fill that prescription for new glasses on our nickel. Read on.
As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. Call your representative or senator today and urge him or her to introduce and support legislation backing term limits. And then pray.