02 May 2011

Change starts...now!

A quick note this evening on saving us from ourselves. Today proves to be a day that will long be remembered as May Day for Osama bin Laden. He died today. What's more important, if I may be so bold, is that we should learn from this and create a better place. Less war. More free trade. Less aid. More teaching and training. Less regulation. More punitive action. Less subsidy. More subsistence. Less I. More we (voluntarily, of course).

We have the power, each one of us, to make for positive change in this world. I don't always succeed. In fact, I almost always fail. But, from that failure, I learn. I learn that we cannot win when others lose and we cannot tolerate doing to others what we would not want done to us. Our foreign and domestic policies must be simplified and modified to better reflect the straightforward nature of our Constitution. I know. Easier said than done.

Be vigilant out there. Based on most news outlets, the fat lady is just warming up. Eyes and ears open, folks, eyes and ears open.

As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for PEACE!

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