12 May 2009

The mirror has many faces

It's that same, shrill sound again. Crying babies? No. Screaming mothers? Maybe. Whiny politicians? Uh...no. That's right, folks, the sound emanating from your inner soul is that shrill sound you hear. There are many causes for it...babies, moms (and dads and kids...and....and), and yes the politicians (who, by the way, are laughing all the way to the offshore bank). The most central cause of it is dissatisfaction with your fellow man. That's right...mirror, please. Take a real long, hard look. See that person in the background...the one hovering over you with a big grin and a steak knife...they're the source of all of your ills. And perhaps last night's fish, but I digress.

The enlightenment came and went. The Sixties were all about love, but ultimately created nothing but the Eighties, Nineties and today. They were all about the guy, or gal, in the mirror. The person that takes and takes and takes. Rampant materialism and consumption encumbered by even more crime, corruption, and cronyism. We're all left wondering what's next? What will happen to the human race as we race and race and race. The substantive element in this entire conversation is the changing face of human nature. The de-evolution of our very nature is underway. We have little mutual respect for one another. We seemingly believe that laws are simply guidelines - follow, don't follow, it doesn't matter.

I guess this is a pretty negative post. But ultimately, it is a challenge to you and to me - don't let the mirror represent reality. Change the view. Command attention by doing the right thing. Make people nervous and angry by denying them a compromise on your values. At the same time, don't expect every person's values to be the same in terms of a given structure. If the golden rule is in effect, praise Allah/Jesus/God/Vishnu or whomever you do or do not choose and be thankful that good prevailed over evil. And don't forget, we, you and I, are not without blame. At the same time, you and I have the will and the courage to prevail and prevail we must.

As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. I shall try to do the same. From my perch above the trees, I bid you and your family all the best.

1 comment:

Fulmer said...

Very well done, sir. Prevail over our own iniquites & shortcomings we must...every...single...day. For every time we fail, we, as a species, slip a little further down that slippery slope towards chaos.