22 May 2009

One measure of obscurity...coming right up?

"I've seen better days, I've seen worse."

Ah, what it was like to be a youngster. Music. Mayhem. Movies. The rhythm of each and every age changes for a reason. We skip beats, part with the harmony of nature, and misread the notes of our poets and scholars. Conversely, some of us still manage to create wonderful song - song full of direction, hope, and, in the words of Rush, mystic rhythms.

I wonder how future generations will look back and judge us. How will they measure us? Will they see the good? Will they see the generosity of those that give and give and give some more? Will they understand that we had our own demons, our own worst enemies, and our own nightmarish confrontation with war, poverty, and xenophobia. Will they tolerate us in a historical context?

The not-so-demure, and let's not forget diminutive, Napoleon Bonaparte stated that "glory is fleeting, obscurity is forever." We have lived through our own Golden Era three times since I was born. Glory giveth and glory taketh away. Divorce continues to escalate in our country. Malfeasance and corruption permeate each and every level of government and industry. Glory, as it is, rests in the hands of God, some say. I just soon keep it that way.

Obscurity is something else altogether. Irrational actions, choices made for the sake of glory, have left our generation, and I will argue the generation before it, bereft of principle and lacking a heightened sense of intellect. Are we doomed to obscurity because of our desire to attain so much glory and indeed so much gold today at the expense of future generations? No. We will continue to be remembered, ladies and gentlemen, as the people - the society - that diminished the leadership of a once great nation. It was tough writing that sentence, folks. We have fallen so far - regardless of religion, race, or financial standing - that we have disgraced not only ourselves but all generations to come.

So, why so glum? Why all the negativism? Why so blunt? Until we wake up and "shake the tree", admit that there is something wrong with our country, and work under the rule of law, we are doomed to repeat the sins of our past. More government or less government will not solve the problem. Taxes are not the almighty terror. God will not save us again and again, indiscretion after indiscretion. Security should not be in the defense budget, but in the health and human services budget.

Our ability to manage our freewill better, to exemplify to others our genuine tolerance of others, and to pursue higher learning or vocation without abandon will, I hope, let us slip into obscurity. What I mean is human nature seldom remembers the good. As long we continue to be good people, harmonious and diligent, I'm okay with obscurity. As it stands now, it will be a tough song to write.

As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. I shall try to do the same. On this Memorial Day weekend, remember those that have served and those that have fallen for us, and pray fewer and fewer men and women have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

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