12 December 2010

Another year of battle

Iraq. Afghanistan. Korea? Iran? Nation building is a corrupt and pitiful way to live. Sharing our sometimes rancid, sometimes incredible culture with the rest of the world like addicts share needles in cold, dark alleyways just doesn't seem to be a very good way to live. This is especially so given that sharing said needles is illegal (sigh). Nation building illegal? Hmmm.

As we begin the second year of this decade, one must consider the culture we continue to invest in in this country. It is a culture that believes that our freedom must be exported to other countries that may not want that same freedom or us in their country. I understand the whole war-on-terror theme, no matter how truly outrageous it is, but I don't understand why there is such hypocrisy in the American bosom. How come we don't want the European way or the South American way (socialists be damned!) in our country when we are perfectly willing to sell it through our DoD, DoS, and other various and sundry extensions of our republic?

I guess I missed the day in class where they had this lesson on nation building. This long, sordid chapter has done nothing but entangle us in horrific wars and questionable economic deals, leaving much of what truly drives an economic engine, production capability, the one major export. Yes, I'm sure there is plenty of argument for us continuing to meddle ("Germany would be ruling the world by now if we hadn't"). But should we?

So, another of year of battle, on domestic and foreign lands will, undoubtedly, continue. And I will continue to moan on about less is more. Less involvement there means more involvement here.

As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. From the eastern front of New Jersey, I bid you all good tidings.

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