22 December 2010

But how much will it all cost?

I am a huge fan of David Gergen. He's intelligent, articulate, and reasonable in his approach to politics. His latest post (http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/12/22/gergen.obama.turnaround/index.html?hpt=T1) speaks mightily of the mighty lame-duck session that has just passed. I agree with him. Obama has made some great strides in the last few weeks by cutting across the grain and parting with the Democratic playbook. Plus, Mr. Gergen's writing, to me anyway, feels like writing from a bygone era - cherished, hallowed, and rare.

But how are we going to pay for all of the duck soup? Massive expenditures. Continued tax cuts, which I think are great, are nothing without trimming expenses. We are now going to raise the debt ceiling? Mr. Obama's "stunning turnaround" might be a nice way to end a year of unspeakable defeat, but it is not what will lift this country out of the mire it now finds itself entangled. I hope and pray for a different course, but look out across the great divide and just don't see it. Oh, and I'm an optimist.

As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. For those of you traveling for the holidays, please do so safely!

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