20 December 2010

Resolutions abound

What are you hoping to accomplish in the New Year? The year 2011 starts in just 11 days. I bet you that next week you'll be running around, trying to figure out how much weight to lose and how to get better organized. I will, too. Did so last year and, well, it's not working the way I hoped on either front.

What I'd really like you to focus on is calling your representative or your senator and asking them to grow a set of cojones and make some tough decisions next year. Here's what I might be requesting:

  1. Stop the two wars you are currently funding. Now. Oh, withdraw our troops from other foreign lands and send them the invoice.
  2. Pass a bill initiating term limits. Self discipline will serve us well. Not you. US!
  3. Take a pay cut. Nah. Take two pay cuts.
  4. Stop the war on drugs. Uh, it's not working. Prices are too high, and well, when that happens profit occurs and folks don't typically leave a profitable enterprise. Just saying.
  5. Pass a fair tax bill that phases in over the next 5 , maybe 10, years.
  6. Make Lewis Black the Secretary of State.
These are the 6...scratch that...5 things I think I will whine and complain about when the 112th kicks into high gear. It's not much. I don't think it is too terribly difficult to accomplish. Alright, it might be somewhat difficult. I think there is a little money to be saved. We can redouble efforts at home to solving our homeland's issues. I know...novel idea.

Look, I know very little of this will see the light of day because of #2. Our lawmakers wouldn't/couldn't serve you if their lives depended on it; unless of course you were part of the 6,000 earmarks mentioned in the last attempt at fiscal heresy.

Ring...ring....hello, may I speak with Representative...

As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. From the guard post just outside of New York City, I hope you all get two for Tuesday and it's all good!

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