15 December 2010

Earmarks...say it with me...E...A...R...M...A...R...K...S

6,000 earmarks. $1.2 trillion omnibus spending bill. Wow! I predict that Obama will sign this bill. Why? Well, there are are many Democratic items on the menu. As it turns out, there are also some Republican items on the menu (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/14/AR2010121407208.html). In fact, Cornyn and Thune sparred with reporters today about their own earmarks (http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2010/12/15/132083977/reporters-jump-senators-for-perceived-earmark-hypocrisy). I'm sure he would love to please both parties, particularly his own after dismounting from the donkey recently by siding with Republicans and their desire to continue tax cuts (or, in my mind, continue deficit spending...either way, we're getting screwed).

Did we really change anything in November? Are we really this gullible? Stupid even? We are a nation that pays money in to get the same money back out but with less to show for it. Why? Waste. Billions of dollars of waste. Corruption. Greed. There is much to be done in this country, with the first being to rid Congress of its existing base of lame-ass, self-aggrandizing blowhards. Term limits. Cut spending. Term limits. Cut spending. Term limits. Cut SPENDING! Serenity now!

As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. Waiting to see the whites of their eyes in 2012, I bid you all good tidings.

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