16 December 2010

Now not later

I want it today, Da! Can't we go today, Da! I love you now, Da, but next week...yeah, I'll still love you. We all want it now not later. Our food. Our health. Our...ahem...relations. There is very little left that can't be left for later.

Is our country going down this path? I'm convinced that it is. The financial markets remain the poster children for the now movement. If you did poorly this quarter, then you're just not worth a damn. But are we doing this with our own lives? Our own communities? Our own families?

The consumption culture in the world today, I believe, represents the proof that, yes, we are wholly focused on instant gratification. Okay, so you learned nothing new. "I've known that, Arp. Tell me something I don't know!"

Stop. Just stop. Plan. Think about the future. Begin with the end in mind. Don't settle for the quick score. Now and later, life will still be precious, fleeting, and exuberant. Patience, grasshopper, patience. I feel better.

As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. Is it me or is it bloody cold out there? Take care, everyone.

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