So, why don't more of us practice what my dear friend speaks of today? I'm sure it has much to do with our own sense of mortality, deep desire for owning things, and natural biases and all things prejudice. How can we break this chain? How can we unconditionally, in an agape sense, love our neighbor and not hold every little or big thing against them? And these grudges - the unwillingness to forgive - last not days, weeks or months. They last through generations, through epochs. That's a shame. In my eyes, it's sinful and is at the center of what is wrong with the world.
Now, I don't subscribe to the view that the world is a horrible place. One might even venture that there is more forgiveness than there is systemic blame and punishment. What bothers me is that the religiosity of our peoples - the faith in a greater power and his or her written word, enshrined in your gilded book of choice - has itself become as divisive and unforgiving as the flock it leads. It is easy to say, "well, we're just humans." But it is not actually easy to be humans. With all things human that spin through our daily cycle, we're bound to leave the day just a little shaken, a little stirred, and a little less willing to cross that sometimes impassable bridge between I and We - that narrow ridge - so we just hold on to that feeling forever. It becomes ours. Again, something owned rather than given away.
What is the solution? Be human...yes. Try harder...yes. Love they neighbor...yes. Wear more absorbent socks...definitely. In my recent readings, one interesting little word comes to mind: responsibility. However, the author, Stephen Covey, spins it a little differently. He asks us to think about it as response-ability. We are all equipped with the ability to think before we respond. Wage peace before war. Whisper not shout. Chew first and then swallow. Listen and then speak.
At this time of year, think about your response-ability and reach out to those that you hold a dim candle to and fire one up. Forgive. Then, do it throughout the year just for sherry and giggles. Thanks again, Meredith.
As always, be thankful for what you have, buy only what you need, and work diligently for peace. Forgive...yes. Forget...NEVER! Just kidding. Happy Holidays!
I need to wear more adsorbent (or is that absorbent)socks...
I'm's spelled absorbent. It was late and I was tired...a moment rife with the potential for error. Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the motivation.
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